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5:09 pm

The benefits of using a WordPress CMS

There are literally hundreds of content management systems (CMS) available – some are freely available off the internet and others that have been specially built by web design companies. There is one system that is used by thousands of people around the world and it is user friendly and suitable for business owners who have[continue...]

1:24 pm

25 Free CSS Form Templates

CSS3 Forms Library Form CSS Simple CSS Form (WittySparks) Complicated CSS Form (WittySparks) Semantic Form CSS Globe – 5 Web Form Styles Clean and Pure CSS Form Beautiful CSS Forms Pretty CSS3 Web Form Pure CSS Web Form Simple CSS Forms Nice & Simple Contact Form RMSforms Formy CSS Frameworks Uni–Form Formee Formalize CSS FAARY[continue...]

4:28 am

Four Things To Make Sure You Find In A Web Host

When you are first getting started with a website - regardless of whether you are doing this for your small business or for your online marketing efforts, or even just for fun - one of the first problems you are going to encounter is the fact that, quite simply, there are a lot of options[continue...]